Yammer is one of the most powerful enterprise social networking tools available today. It is very easy to use and designed for company collaboration, file sharing, and knowledge exchange and team efficiency. It is like a company’s internal ‘Facebook’ and has a similar interface too. You can use Yammer to          ...

Have you ever wondered why VS2012 sometimes crashes when you try to publish a wsp? I faced this issue several times and then spent some time to analyze the cause. I found that if you donot specify a Site Url in the SP Project properties and try to publish a wsp, VS will simply crash...

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  • August 26, 2013

REST API is a great means of interacting with data in SharePoint 2013 on-premise and online.  It was introduced in SP2010 and is greatly enhanced in SP2013. However, the results in REST queries are not always security trimmed. Let us consider a simple scenario : We want to display the list of subsites which are...

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  • August 26, 2013

Have you ever wondered why your profile doesn’t show the Organization chart (or browser) when you see it yourself but shows up to other users when they visit your profile ? This behaviour is actually by design. The KB article from Microsoft clearly mentions this statement – “This behavior is by design” and suggests to...

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  • August 26, 2013

As promised earlier, below is a powershell script to create managed navigation in SharePoint 2013 using powershell. Before reading below, I would strongly suggest to read my previous post on managed navigation here Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell #change these variables based on environment $siteName = "Site url"  $siteSearchName = "Search site url"  $termStoreName = “Managed Metadata Service”...

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  • August 26, 2013

User profile properties can be created and managed using the graphical interface inside SharePoint central admin.(Central Admin -> Manage Service Applications -> User Profile Service Application -> Manage User Properties). But in a real production scenario where lot of user profile properties need to be created and ordered, the GUI way becomes extremely tedious and...